"Oblivion" is the fourth installment in "The Elder Scrolls" series. Over the course of the game, the player battles the Deadric menace and collaborates with them to form key alliances. Namira is one of the Deadra with which the player can align himself. She is the protector of the night, and she favors hideous and secretive creatures. The player can win her favor by making himself hideous, at least temporarily, and approaching her shrine.
1. Travel to Bruma in the mountains directly north of the Imperial City. Visit Olav's Tap and Tackle near the gates of the city. Purchase enough bottles of cheap wine to lower your Personality stat to 20 or less. Each bottle decreases Personality by 10 points.
2. Walk east of Bruma until you reach the Plundered Mines. From there, head southeast until you find Namira's Shrine.
3. Drink the bottles of cheap wine.
4. Speak with the shrine's guardian, Hjolfrodi, and then click on the shrine. Namira will appear and give you a quest and the spell, "Namira's Shroud."
5. Walk south of the shrine to reach the ruins, Anga. Find the Priests of Light. Cast the Namira's Shroud spell on each of them.
6. Return to and click on "Namira's Shrine." She will give you the Ring of Namira, which reflects damage and enchantments.