Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Make An Outside Shrine

An outdoor shrine may be elaborate or very simple.

An outdoor shrine can be a place of peace where you stop to connect with a person or deity, depending on your belief system and the purpose of the shrine. The primary difference between creating an outdoor versus indoor shrine is extra care must be taken to choose weatherproof materials when making your outdoor shrine. This is not difficult, as many home and garden stores offer garden furnishings and decorations that can be used for your shrine.


1. Choose an area that is protected from strong winds that could blow offerings away. A grove of trees, for example, or near the side of the house may be the best places.

2. Set up a table, or lay down a stone or wood slab to lay offerings, such as incense or flowers, upon. This can be as simple as using a patio table or purchasing a piece of treated lumber. For small shrines, a decorative paving stone may also be used.

3. Set a vase on the table or slab to hold cut flowers. Alternatively you can place a small potted plant on or near your outdoor shrine.

4. Place a weather proof plate or bowl on the table or slab to hold offerings. Offerings may be anything that, in your belief system, is considered valuable. This may be food, artwork or attractive stones, for example.

5. Set statuary on or near your shrine that depicts or reminds you of the deity or person the shrine is honoring. A shrine to the Christian Mother Mary may have a Mary Statue. For a Buddhist shrine, you may wish to have a statue of Buddha.