Friday, December 6, 2013

Have Better Conversations With People

This article will give you tips and advice on better communicate with people as well as have more meaningful, relaxed conversations with anybody.


1. To have more great conversations, you have to listen. If you listen more than you speak, you will not only have more to say, but you will gain the respect of the person talking to you. They will want to carry on more conversations with you. It's important to also ask questions when you don't understand what a person is talking about or you may get lost in the conversation.

2. If you can't think of something to say, then don't force it. Just wait until something comes to mind. This will help prevent the conversation with someone from seeming awkward or being forced. When all fails, talk about a current event that is happening somewhere around the world. Ask that person how they feel about it or what they would do about it. This is a great way to start a conversation.

3. Don't just mutter two words when someone asks you something. If you are not interested in talking about the subject or if you are not in the mood or pressed for time, then kindly tell that person of your situation, rather than acting nonchalant about it. Say what's on your mind or at least give the person a decent response to their question.

4. Eye contact and a friendly attitude towards the person are also encouraged when making conversation with someone. Again, don't act like you could care less about what that person has to say or make minimum eye contact with them. You don't want to barely say anything either. This shows that person lack of interest and respect.

5. Make sure that what you are saying is understood by the person or persons you are talking to. You don't wan't them confused about something you said.