Thursday, December 19, 2013

Draw Vector Art

One of my drawings, done entirely in Flash MX

Many people don't know that you can use Flash to create vector art--but you can, using a mouse.


1. Create a new movie in Flash.

2. Browse for a photograph you would like to vectorize. The best photographs are high-resolution images with easy-to-see details.

3. Import the photograph onto the stage. Enlarge the photograph to fit the size of the stage (or your desired size).

4. Lock this layer.

5. Create a new layer, and start by outlining the image you want to vectorize. It is easiest to zoom into the image until you can see the clear distinction of the line.

6. Using the "Line" tool, draw a short line from one point of the photograph to another.

7. Select the "Arrow" tool, and hover over the line with your mouse. You should see a curve symbol under the pointer. This lets you know that you are now able to distort the line from a straight to a curve.

8. Create a curve by holding the "Ctrl" key on your keyboard and dragging the line to your desired shape. This may take practice and is best done in small portions.

9. Continue until you have outlined all of the major portions of the photograph you'd like to vectorize. Now, label this layer "Outline."

10. Duplicate the contents of the outline layer and create a new layer. Paste the contents into the new layer. Lock the "Outline" layer, and call this new layer "Main Color." Now, fill in the base color of the photograph. This is the main color found in the subject photograph. To do this, use the "Color Picker" tool to extract the correct color, and then select "Paint Bucket" and fill in the color into the outlined lines. Always make sure the lines are completely joined together, because the Paint Bucket will not fill unless the outlines are joined.

11. Create another layer and name it "Details." You may hide the "Main Color" layer in order to see the original photograph. Go in and create details for the vector. You may want to add eye color or speckles on fruit--details like that. Continue to create more layers (i.e. "Details1", "Details2") according to your needs.

12. When you come to a close, delete the first layer containing the photograph. Make finishing touches, depending on your style.