Make Pop Art Effects With Adobe Photoshop 7.0
Use Photoshop 7.0 to change your photographs into brightly colored works of art. Pop Art featured bright-simplified colors and bold dot matrix patterns, as seen in the work of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. Imitate these pop art icons using Photoshop's filters and color correction tools. Make colors pop, and create a halftone effect. Use Photoshop's blending options to layer one effect on top of another. Choose bold, saturated colors for your Pop Art work. Start by transforming a portrait, preferably a close-up.
1. Upload your portrait image. Open Photoshop and load in the image.
2. Choose "Layer" and "Duplicate Layer" from the Menu bar and pull down menu. Choose "Image" "Adjust" and "Brightness/Contrast" from the Menu bar and pull-down menus. Choose "Layer" and "Duplicate Layer" again. There are two duplicate layers on top of the background.
3. Click on the lower "Duplicate Layer," or "Background Copy," located in the "Layers Control" window. Choose "Image," then "Adjust" and "Brightness/Contrast" from the menu bar and sub-menus. Pull the "Contrast" slider bar to the right until the level is "+14". Hit "OK" to return to the main screen.
4. Click on the "Foreground Color" box in the "Tools" window. Choose a bright, saturated yellow from the "Color Picker". Click "OK" to accept the choice and close the window.
5. Click on the "Background Color" box in the "Tools" window. Choose a bright, saturated magenta pink from the "Color Picker." Click "OK" and return to the main screen.
6. Choose "Filter," then "Sketch" and "Halftone Pattern," from the menu bar and sub-menus. A large Effects Preview window opens.
7. A preview of your effect appears on the left side of the screen. Zoom out on the image until you can see the face clearly. Move the "Size" slider on the right side all the way to the right. Move the "Contrast" slider to the right until you are satisfied with the effect. Hit "OK" to accept the changes and to close the preview window.
8. Click on the top layer, or "Background Copy 2," located in the "Layers Control" window. Choose "Image," "Adjust" and "Brightness/Contrast" from the Menu bar. Slide the "Contrast" bar to the right until the window reads "+14". Click "OK" and return to the main screen.
9. Change the "Blending Mode" bar located at the top of the "Layers Control" window from "Normal" to "Hard Mix." A third color adds to the poster-like halftone effect.
10. Choose "Layer," then "Flatten Image." Save your image as a JPEG or a TIFF file. Print out your picture on the printer.