Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Make Anime Thumb Notes

You can trace out your favorite anime designs and make customized sticky notes.

Anime is the Japanese word for animation that has become linked with one of Japan's particular styles of drawing characters for films, video games, comic books and television shows. Thumb notes are typically small pieces of paper that you can draw or write on, with a sticky back side for attaching to surfaces, like refrigerators. You can make your own personal anime thumb notes, based upon the shapes of your favorite anime characters and settings, with some basic materials.


1. Place the anime designs you are using for the thumb notes on a flat surface, such as a table.

2. Cover the designs with tracing paper; trace over them with the pencil.

3. Place sheets of sticky paper over the traced designs you just made on the tracing paper; trace over the designs with the pencil.

4. Cut along the sticky paper pencil lines with the scissors to remove the designs.

5. Color in the designs with the colored pencils to finish.