Friday, October 11, 2013

Make Andy Warhol Art In Photoshop

Mimic Warhol's glow and tile style with Adobe Photoshop.

Outrageous artist Andy Warhol earned far more than his proclaimed 15 minutes of fame when he designed a style of art that tiled basic photographs. While Warhol used soup cans and actresses for the basis of his work, you can employ just about anything when you use Adobe Photoshop to mimic his work. Making Andy Warhol art with Adobe Photoshop involves determining the layout of the design and then letting Photoshop's filters render basic images into Warhol-worthy wall hangings.


1. Open Adobe Photoshop. Click the "File" menu. Click "New." Enter "LikeAndy" into the "Name" box. Enter the dimensions for the canvas in the "Width" and "Height" boxes to accommodate the tiles of your repeated image. Click the "inches" menus for each and click the "OK" button. A blank canvas opens.

2. Click the "File" menu again. Click "Open." Browse to the image to use for the Warholesque design. Double-click the file name.

3. Pull down the "Filter" menu. Click "Artistic" and select "Neon Glow." Click the "Glow Color" box in the right-third pane of the "Neon Glow" screen. Choose the color to render the first tile in the portrait and click the "OK" button.

4. Click the "Select" menu. Click "All." Press the "Ctrl" and "C" keys simultaneously to copy the image. Click into the "LikeAndy" canvas and press the "Ctrl" and "V" keys to paste in the picture. Drag it into the top left corner of the canvas. Note the "Layers" palette now shows a Background layer and a Layer 1 with the first tile.

5. Click back to the photo. Select "Edit" and click "Undo Neon Glow." The image reverts to its original photograph. Repeat the "Filter," "Artistic" and "Neon Glow" process, but choose another glow color, preferably one that contrasts with the first one.

6. Copy and paste the image again into the "LikeAndy" canvas and drag it directly next to or below the first. Note a new Layer 2 is added to the palette.

7. Repeat until you have filled the "LikeAndy" canvas with the image tiles.

8. Right-click one of the layers in the palette and select "Flatten Image." All layers combine into the background layer. Click the "File" menu and select "Save."