Friday, October 18, 2013

Make Animated Political Cartoons

Welcome to the new world of animated political cartoons. This is an evolving new medium for political cartoonists. Most animated political cartoons are on the Internet, and their pioneers include innovative thinkers like Peter Nicholson of The Australian newspaper. This article will show you create your own innovative animated political cartoons with your computer and a Web camera.


1. Mount a Web camera on a tripod. Aim the camera at your drawing area, which in this case is the dry erase board or whiteboard.

2. Plug the camera into your computer and run your animation software (such as Flash).

3. Turn on your Web cam.

4. Draw your political cartoon on the dry erase board. Click on the mouse button to capture the drawing onto your computer. Continue to click each time you draw something different to your image. This will create a frame for each image. When you run the frames together you will have your animation.

5. Press "Enter" to run the frames together in a test of the animation. Save your work and press "Ctrl" and "Enter" to run the final published animation as an executable. The executable file extension in Flash is ".swf."