Monday, September 9, 2013

Insert A Tattoo Needle

Demand sterilized equipment to keep yourself safe from disease.

Many cultures practice tattooing and have for many centuries. The techniques range from traditional instruments of wood and inks derived from plants to the current synthetic inks and automated tattoo guns. The modern art needs safeguards to prevent it from being a source of disease transmission. Most tattooing guns use disposable needles and guns that can be autoclaved between uses. Replacing the needle for each customer is not difficult but is a necessary task to keep the customer safe from infection.


1. Adjust the tattoo gun to provide its optimum performance. This involves adjusting the power to provide a strong smooth sound, high speed operation and powerful torsion. Actuation of the tattoo gun gives a skilled tattooist the ability to hear most of these things.

2. Check the tip of the tattoo needle for damage. Make sure that the tip is not bent or otherwise unusable.

3. Use the special tool to remove the top hat grommet, allowing the removal of the needle if it is already present.

4. Insert the new needle from the top of the gun and through the grip. Lower the head of the needle until it is just above the armature arm. Fix the needle in position by replacement of the top hat grommet.

5. Check the operation of the gun to ensure that the needle is extending past the grip and able to generate the skin punctures required for a tattoo.