Friday, October 24, 2014

Do A Tree Diagram

Do a Tree Diagram

A tree diagram is a graphic organizer used any time a broader concept or problem needs to be broken down into component parts or solutions. In math, a tree diagram might be useful to determine possible outcomes in a probability scenario. In other areas, a tree diagram is a tool for setting goals or analyzing problems.


1. Start with a broad concept, such as a goal. For this example, let's say the goal is to generate more earnings from a small business. Write your goal at the top of your paper.

2. Identify two or three key factors in achieving your goal. For the small business example, two factors in improving earnings might be marketing and content production. List these underneath your goal, and draw lines branching out from the goal to each key factor.

3. List the steps involved in bringing about the key factors. For example, in the marketing factor, you might list print advertising and web advertising. Write these under the relevant factor and draw branching lines.

4. Continue to make lines and narrow down your initial topic. For print advertising, you might choose resources for your marketing such as trade magazines or local newspapers. Keep adding levels to your tree diagram until you have fully exhausted the aspects of the goal or problem you are breaking down.

5. Use the diagram to work toward your goal or solve your problem. Start with the lowest, or narrowest, topics, and work your way back to the main topic. In this case, begin your advertising campaign and work your way back up to generating increased earnings.