Complementary colors
can make colors pop out like the red-orange against a yellow-green.
To make colors pop in a rusty metal art collage, start by pulling out a color wheel. Complementary colors are colors on the opposite side of the color wheel. The high contrast makes these colors stand out when placed next to each other. Triadic colors are evenly spaced on the color wheel and will make colors pop out when used next to each. Split-complementary color is similar to complementary colors except it uses two colors next to its complement color instead of one.
1. Clean the rusty metal collage by removing dirt, grime, rust and any moisture. Apply paste filler if there are any dents or areas damaged by the rust.
2. Apply a corrosion resistant to ferrous metals to help prevent further rusting. For nonferrous metals, apply a primer. Let dry.
3. Sand primer lightly and then apply a second coat. Let dry.
4. Determine paint color combinations that will make the artwork pop, such as a complementary, triadic or split-complementary color scheme.
5. Purchase paint that is suitable for metal such as gloss enamel, synthetic enamel or satin enamel.
6. Mask off areas that are not being painted. Apply first coat of paint. Let dry.
7. Wet-sand with waterproof sand paper and then apply a second coat of paint.