Monday, June 30, 2014

Incorporate Diversity In An Organization

Incorporate Diversity in an Organization

Incorporating diversity into the workplace involves first recognizing the inherent diversity of the employees. Diversity training for your organization develops mutual respect for differences among the staff. Approach diversity training from the perspective of understanding culture. Sharing information about cultural perspectives allows your workers to understand the basic, universal rights of every worker in the organization. Understand how your workforce represents the community you live in. Provide opportunities for staff to exchange ideas regarding diversity in focus groups and staff meetings. Monitor group discussions with a professional trained in cultural competency.


1. Establish a diversity mission statement and work to implement systematic approaches to diversity. Eliminate discriminatory practices by developing cultural competency training workshops or seminars. Use the local EEOC office for support while incorporating diversity policies through your human resources office. A diversity mission statement will establish precedence and structure to the heightened awareness of diversity within your group.

2. Address any critical incidents that have occurred within the organization with the EEOC office. Respond to critical events immediately. Provide counseling for groups of workers affected by critical incidents. The EEOC office and affirmative action is a reactive method of approaching diversity. A critical incident validates a need to address diversity within your organization.

3. Institute diversity training to support a proactive work environment. The purpose of these trainings is to offer staff a forum to give honest statements of their level of awareness related to diversity within the organization. No one individual can represent an entire culture. Never allow the forum to evolve into negative stereotyping of any race, ethnicity, gender, class, age, disability or socioeconomic status.

4. Assist all participants with language interpreters as necessary. Every participant in your diversity trainings is encouraged to share their perspective candidly. Incorporate ongoing diversity training as part of the continuing education process. Delivery of these programs can be delegated to individuals within the organization with the appropriate training, or contracted to an outside consultant.

5. Solicit and value the experience and perspective of consumers and families who receive services, as well as staff. Proactive diversity trainings engage workers, their families, and community members. Assume that your organization will gain in diversity awareness. Plan to incorporate community partners for future diversity trainings.

6. Work future diversity training evaluations into the structure of your organization monthly, bi-annually, or annually. Actively contribute to an ongoing continuum of change. Incorporating diversity training will allow your organization to plan, deliver and evaluate their service internally. This training will produce greater efficiency and retention of your staff.