Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Make A Simple Country Mobile For A School Project

Mobiles are free moving art sculptures made of various materials.

The mobile, as an art form, is generally deemed the creation of Alexander "Sandy" Calder. Calder's father and grandfather were sculptors and his mother was a painter. He began creating pieces at an early age. While in Paris in 1926, Calder sculpted three dimensional pieces from wood, wire and cloth, leading to his creation of the "mobile," a free moving, hanging sculpture and an entirely new art genre.


1. Make the basic unit by slipping a paper clip onto a straw. Slide it to the center. Add a paper clip at each end. Repeat this to create three to four basic units.

2. Make paper clip chains to attach the units to each other. Slide the paper clip chains along the straws to make the mobile balance.

3. Cut various shaped "picture frames" from the construction paper.

4. Select country scenes from the magazine and cut out the pictures.

5. Glue the pictures onto the frames. Use the beads to decorate the picture frame edges.

6. Attach the pictures to the paper clip mobile and balance.