Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Faux Paint Geometric Shapes

A painted geometric design is first drawn with pencil to attain the proper perspective and surfaces of the shape. A simple shape to use when learning paint a faux geometric design is a cube. The 3D cube is drawn with pencil. The front, side and top of the cube are the only areas painted. The faux geometric cube shape is painted with any color, the top with a lighter hue of the color and the side with a darker hue.


1. Draw a 3D geometric cube 4-inches tall on a piece of white paper. Erase the lines that create the back side of the cube leaving only the front, top and back of the cube for painting.

2. Squeeze a nickle size drop of blue acrylic paint on a paper plate. Paint the front of the cube with the blue paint. Allow the paint to dry five minutes.

3. Squeeze a nickle size drop of white paint on a paper plate. Dip the tip of the paintbrush in the blue paint. Mix the blue with the white paint to create a light blue color. Paint the top of the 3D geometric cube with the light blue paint. Allow the paint to dry five minutes.

4. Squeeze a drop of black paint on the paper plate approximately 1/4-inch round. Squeeze a dime size drop of blue paint next to the black paint. Mix the two colors of paint together to create a dark blue color. Paint the side of the cube with the dark blue paint. Allow the paint to dry 5 minutes.