Thursday, April 3, 2014

Make Dvd Cover Art

To sell a movie, you'll need more than a disc in a nondescript case.

So you've put long days and sleepless nights into creating a movie. Now you want people to see it. Eye-catching cover art can go a long way towards moving a DVD off the shelf. Creating DVD cover art is hardly a complicated task; but as movie producers realize more money comes from retail sales, they're planning their DVD sets from the moment the project gets the green light.


1. Open a new image file in your image editing program with 278 mm by 190 mm dimensions. Draw vertical guiding lines at 132 mm width and 146 mm width to set aside the spine of the cover, then draw a border around the whole image file set off from the edge by 3 mm. Designate the right side of the file as the front cover and the left side as the back cover.

2. Lay out the movie title on the front cover and choose an interesting image to feature prominently in the space. Go with a still photo taken with a digital camera on the set featuring prominent characters or pick a piece of artwork that you think represents the theme of the movie. Avoid using screen shots pulled from video files which can sometimes include a motion blur that looks unprofessional in a still photo.

3. Insert the movie description onto the back cover and include one or more still photos from the movie. Place production information on the bottom, including the director, producer, actors, DVD format, aspect ratio and run time. Finish the cover art by placing the movie title along the center spine of the image file.

4. Print the DVD art onto a glossy slip sheet. Check to make sure the color image is comparable to how it appeared on screen. Insert the sheet into your DVD case.