Thursday, May 8, 2014

Make A Tessellation Template

Supplies for making tesselations.

Tessellations are a covering of the plane by non-overlapping polygons. These polygons are thought of as tessera or tiles. An easy puzzle can be made by tracing many shapes on a cereal box, gluing a picture on it, then cutting it out. The template also can be used as a quilt template.


Basic Template

1. To make a square template open the cereal box and lay it flat. Draw a 3-inch square on the cereal box by measuring 3 inches from the side and drawing a straight line parallel to the side. Then measure 3 inches from the top of the cereal box, and draw a line perpendicular to the other line. Next cut out the square. On the square that was just cut out, draw two sets of lines 1 inch apart perpendicular to each other, turn the square and draw another set of perpendicular lines 2 inches apart, making a grid on the square.

2. Inside the square draw shapes on two sides of the square, free-form or trace a shape. The shape needs to be closed form. The shape does not look like a snow flake or lace. From the sides of the square cut out shapes. Glide the shape across the square to the opposite side of where it was cut out. Line the shape up against the edge matching the grid lines. Tape the shape to the square.

3. Place template on magazine picture or wrapping paper. Trace around the template and cut out template shapes.

4. Arrange shapes on scrapbook paper or construction paper. Glue the shapes to the paper.