Transform barbed wire into an art masterpiece.
Although it might seem like one of the least likely art innovations, barbed wire can serve as material for building sculptures. If you would like to build your own piece of barbed wire art but don't know handle the sharp wire, start with a simple barbed wire art piece such as a wreath. Creating an artistic barbed wire wreath will help you learn handle the wire for more advanced art projects.
1. Put on the heavy work gloves. Put on safety glasses to prevent damage to your eyes.
2. Curl the 4-foot piece of barbed wire to make a circle that will be the foundation for the wreath.
3. Thread the long end of the 4-foot piece of barbed wire through the circle, and loosely coil it around the foundation circle.
4. Repeat Step 3 until there are only 4 to 6 inches left of barbed wire piece that remain unwrapped around the wreath.
5. Tightly coil the remaining end of the barbed wire around the wreath to prevent it from slipping and uncoiling.
6. Wrap one end of the 6-foot piece of barbed wire tightly around the wreath so that it is tightly secured to the wreath frame.
7. Thread the long end of the barbed wire through the wreath and wrap it loosely around the wreath frame.
8. Repeat Step 7 to thicken the width of the wreath until you have roughly 4 to 6 inches of barbed wire left. Tightly twist the end of the barbed wire around the wreath frame to secure it to the bulk of the wreath.