Friday, March 1, 2013

Draw Caricatures Of Children

Draw Caricatures of Children

Whether at a carnival, a fair or a birthday party, most children enjoy having caricatures drawn of them. Caricatures of children usually all have some things in common, such as round heads and exaggerated features. Follow these steps to help you learn draw caricatures of children.


1. Study the subject of your caricature drawing. You will not want to spend too much time on this, but look at your subject's face to get a good idea of draw the caricature and of what facial features you want to focus on.

2. Draw the child's head. Most children have more rounded heads than adults have. Make the head in your drawing have a rounded or cherubic shape.

3. Sketch the child's neck in your caricature. Children usually have shorter necks than those of adults, so make the neck in your caricature on the short side.

4. Add in facial features to the caricature. You may add in freckles if your subject has freckles. You may also draw a button nose or even give your caricature the wide eye look that most children exhibit.

5. Consider exaggerating some of the features in your caricature. Most caricatures, including those of children, include some degree of exaggeration. You may choose to exaggerate a child's chubby cheeks or even their ears. The degree of exaggeration is up to the artist, so use your own artistic judgment when adding exaggeration to a caricature.

6. Practice drawing caricatures of children to improve your skills.Most caricatures don't take very long to complete. With some practice, you should be able to complete a caricature of a child within only several minutes.