Typographic portraits are created through the process of combining stunning imagery with relevant text and information. These portraits have become a recent trend in the design world and are a popular method of simultaneous expression. Through the use of digital imaging software, graphic artists are able to create dynamic advertisements, posters and many types of fine art in a way that couldn't be done as quickly with traditional tools alone. Use digital imaging software to combine your own photos with typography of your choosing.
1. Open your portrait image in a digital imaging program.
2. Unlock the "Background" layer by double-clicking it. After double-clicking it, rename the layer to "Portrait."
3. Crop the "Portrait" layer closely so that the face takes up the majority of the image. Use the Pen Tool to select any remaining background elements and delete them.
4. Desaturate the image by using the "Desaturate" option under the "Image/Adjustments" menu. Simplify the image further by using the "Image/Adjustments/Posterize" menu. In the "Posterize" dialogue box, set the Levels to "4" and click "OK" to accept the changes.
5. Add a new layer by clicking the "Create a New Layer" icon at the bottom of the "Layers" panel. Rename this new layer to "White" and apply a white background fill by selecting "Edit" from the menu near the top of the screen, then selecting the "Fill..." option. When the "Fill" pop-up menu appears, select "White" from the "Use:" drop-down menu in the "Content" field. Click "OK" to apply the fill.
6. Open a new document. Select a font with a size of 14 pixels, set the color to black and use the Type tool to begin typing words that you want to use in your portrait. Once you are finished typing, use the Selection tool to select the words. With the words still selected, go to "Edit" then "Define Pattern" to make the words a rasterized pattern. Close the document when finished.
7. Select the original portrait document and use the Selection tool to select a small portion of the darkest part of your image. While selected, open the "Select" menu near the top of the screen and choose "Similar" from the menu.
8. Fill the selection with your previously defined pattern by accessing the "Fill" tool from the "Edit" menu near the top of the screen. When the "Fill" window appears, select "Pattern" from the "Use:" drop-down menu and choose the word pattern you created. Click "OK" to apply the changes.
9. Select the other shades from the image and fill them with the word pattern.
10. Save your image when complete.