An airbrush tattoo is a temporary tattoo.
An airbrush tattoo is one example of a temporary tattoo. The easiest way to create an airbrush tattoo is to use a stencil. You can make your own airbrush tattoo stencils with some household items and very little skill. Whether you’re an amateur airbrush artist or you have a lot of experience, using a stencil will make creating an airbrush tattoo a much easier task than using freehand.
1. Cut a rectangle piece from the black poster board that measures 2 inches by 4 inches.
2. Draw whatever design you want to make for the tattoo onto the center of the rectangle. Use a pencil so you can erase any mistakes you make. Making solid designs will allow for easy-to-use stencils.
3. Cut out the design from the rectangle using a precision knife. You’ll end up with two stencils. One will be the positive stencil, which is the cutout of the design. The other will be a negative stencil, which is the rectangular piece of poster board that the design was cut out from.
4. Place one of the stencils onto the part of the skin where the airbrush tattoo is going to go. Airbrush around the stencil for the positive stencil or into the stencil for the negative stencil.