Find grants to fund photography projects.
Photography grants are monetary awards given to photographers to produce a body of original artwork. Award amounts vary depending on the grant. Money from grants can be used to finance new equipment, travel, staff, etc. Individual grants stipulate what the funds can be used for. There's a lot of competition for photography grants, but the good thing is that there are many grants to choose from. Learn search for photography grants and get funded for your next project.
1. Make an outline of the next project you want funding for. Applying for grants requires you to provide extensive project details. The scope of the project dictates what grants you qualify for.
2. Conduct a basic internet search to find photography grants.
3. Read each grant's eligibility material to find out whether or not you qualify to apply.
4. Print out application and resource materials.
5. Purchase a book that lists grants for individuals. "Foundation Grants to Individuals" by Foundation Center is updated every one or two years. The book has a reliable list of foundational grants available.
6. Grants are listed by number, not alphabetically. It is best to use the index to search through the book.
7. Look up the subject index in the back of the book. Find "photography" and look at the reference numbers listed beside it.
8. Look up each reference and read the eligibility to find out whether or not you qualify for the grant.
9. Write down the mail and website address of applicable grants. Write a letter to receive grant application material or visit their website to see if an online version is available.