Thursday, December 18, 2014

Make A Drawing For An Avatar

An avatar is an illustration or a photograph that represents a person.

An avatar is a specialized image used online, most commonly in forums and chat rooms, and on websites where users are encouraged to leave feedback. An avatar is essentially a really small image that is created by a person to represent themselves. An avatar is similar to a logo in that it is meant to be an instantly recognizable symbol of that person, usually chosen because it in some way illustrates the character of the person it is meant to represent. Although some people draw their avatars, either on paper or in a computer drawing program, many people choose to use photographs and pre-existing images.


On Paper

1. Draw a square on a sheet of paper. The square should be about one or two inches. Although you will be scanning this image and shrinking it down to the appropriate pixel size, you don't want to draw anything more complicated than could easily fit into a small box. This drawing cannot be particularly detailed because when the avatar is resized, the details will jumble the image without adding to it, so it's best to start with a realistically small sized drawing to begin with. At this time, you must also choose what your avatar will be. The avatar should represent you and the environment where it will be used. For example, if you're building an online portfolio for a home improvement forum, it would make sense to make your avatar into your favorite tool or into a house that looks like your own.

2. Draw the outline of the avatar with a pencil. Draw it lightly so you can erase it if you need to. Use smooth, graphic lines.

3. Draw any details in the avatar but keep the details to a minimum. If your drawing must include very small details to be successful, most likely you have chosen a subject too complex for an avatar.

4. Re-outline the avatar, this time with a graphic pen or permanent marker, to make a bold, dark line. Color in the outlines with smooth, bold colors. Use a colored pencil, ink, or permanent markers.

5. Scan the image when you've decided it is finished. You'll need to resize the image. Different websites allow different sized avatars, so you'll need to find out what the largest size your avatar could be. If you have Photoshop, click on "Image" then click on "Image Size". Type in the appropriate dimensions, and then click "ok".