Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Make Party Hats For Kids

Make Party Hats for Kids

Party hats can make any gathering more festive, and allowing kids to make the hats themselves just adds to the fun. You can even incorporate the hat making into your party's festivities and allow each guest to design his or her own hat. The possibilities for creative decoration are endless.


1. Decorate the construction paper or tagboard as desired using markers, crayons or other materials (such as glitter and sequins).

2. Let the paper dry thoroughly.

3. Roll the paper into a cone shape, leaving a small hole at the top for the yarn to go through.

4. Staple the cone shape into place.

5. Trim off excess paper with scissors.

6. Cut multiple pieces of yarn into 5- to 7-inch lengths.

7. Stuff the yarn into the top of the hat.

8. Secure the yarn by taping the ends to the inside of the hat.

9. Punch two holes at the bottom of the hat on opposite sides.

10. Cut a length of elastic cord long enough to stretch from the two holes with a little tension.

11. Tie one end of the elastic cord through each hole in the hat and secure by knotting.

12. Your hat is now ready to wear Re-tie the elastic cord as needed to ensure a comfortable fit.