fake wound
Making fake wounds is a great special effect for Halloween costumes, theater work or for a gory horror movie. Fake wounds are easy and inexpensive to create using simple household supplies. The wounds can be made more professional with theater make-up and FX wax. If done correctly, the effect looks just as realistic, no matter the budget.
1. Using alcohol, clean the area of the skin where the scar will be made. A cleaner area allows the fake scar to adhere to the skin better.
2. Place a 1/2-inch wide, 1/4-inch thick strip of FX wax or chewed bubble gum (until pliable) on to the area of the skin where the scar is to be and press down firmly, so that it adheres well to the skin. The strip can be as long as needed. Smooth the outside edges until flush with the skin. The middle should be raised.
3. Color the scar with make-up that is the color of your skin. The edge around the scar needs to be blended to match the color of the un-scarred skin outside of that. It can be darker as you near the middle of the scar.
4. Cut a thin line down the middle of the scar with a sharp razor or thin object. Sturdy cardboard, like a matchbook cover, will work as well. Tease and lift the inside edges along the scar length so it looks like a jagged cut.
5. Color the inside of the scar with make-up. Use black make-up, then go down the middle with dark red make-up. This gives the wound an appearance of depth within the skin.
6. Pat the scar with clear make-up powder to dull the shine of the wax or gum and the make-up. This clear make-up powder is optional. Apply blue make-up around the scar to simulate bruising.
7. Drip a few drops of fake blood down the center of the scar. Use a finger to stop the flow of the fake blood if it goes too fast. Allow it to dry for a few minutes.