Flyers are a way to promote a business, an event or fundraiser, showcase a house, provide coupons, create announcements and more. Online resources can help you create flyers for free with templates or the ability to upload your own design. You also can print the pieces online or at home.
Desig Your Flyer
1. Visit a website that offers free templates (see Resources).
2. Choose the type of project (flyer) from the list of products available.
3. Choose from the various options or templates provided. Make sure the template, size and colors work for your needs. Try options from different websites. Websites that do not offer printing services have you download the template and edit it on your computer. Resources that offer printing will allow you to edit the template through the website and preview the design before approval and submission for production.
4. Add your customized text and information into the template of your choice. Some online resources allow you to upload and add your own images and/or logo to the template. Most templates contain stock images that are licensed for use through the free template, so your own images are not required.
5. Finalize and save your flyer to your computer or to the website where it was created. Websites that offer printing services require you create a free account to save the project.
Print Your Flyers
6. Proof your flyer carefully before printing or submitting it for professional printing. Check for spelling, grammar, writing style, and clarity. It may be helpful to have a third-party review the piece for proofing.
7. Print your final pieces on your printer, at a local office-supply store or through the online resource used to design the flyer. For a low quantity of flyers (fewer than 50), printing at home or in your local store can be more time and cost efficient. For more than 50 copies, it can be more cost-effective to use online printing resources. Be sure to factor in any applicable shipping costs.
8. Proof your final printed pieces to make sure they were produced as agreed.