Greeting cards can be expected at certain times of the year like holidays, birthdays and anniversaries. Many people throw out all of those cards right after receiving them because they just don't know what else to do with them. You can create a greeting card stand where you can display all of your lovely greeting cards as well as the beautiful messages that people have written inside.
1. Paint your canvas a color that will match your ribbons, and set it aside to dry completely.
2. Unravel a length of ribbon. Pull it lengthwise straight down your canvas so that it reaches from the back of the frame, around to the front, and then back to the frame at the other end. Cut this length of ribbon.
3. Cut several strands of ribbon all at this length--enough strands so that they cover your canvas when lined up side by side.
4. Line the ribbons up side by side along the back edge of your canvas Staple them all in place, hammering down the staples when necessary. Cover this stapled end with a thin strip of duct tape.
5. Pull all of the ribbons taunt against the front of the canvas, and then around to the frame in the back. Staple them in place. Cover with a thin strip of duct tape. You should now have a canvas that is covered with several strips of ribbon that are all secured to the back of the frame.
6. Slide your greeting cards onto the pieces of ribbon so that a strip of ribbon is in the fold of the card.
7. Place your greeting card hold in a plate stand.