Monday, August 5, 2013

Grow A Thick Beard

Growing a thick beard takes patience, but it can give you a whole new look.

Many men decide at one point in their lives to grow a beard. Choosing to have facial hair is a personal decision requiring patience and persistence. If you want to grow a thick beard, eat a healthy diet and avoid shaving prematurely. Genetics and hormones play a part in whether or not you will be able to grow a full beard, but most men can reasonably expect to be able to do so. Be proud of your decision to grow a beard, and don't let any negative comments sway you from your goal.


Growing your beard

1. Commit fully to growing a beard. This may be a long and sometimes frustrating process, so make sure you are completely invested in your decision. Allow yourself at least six weeks to grow a thick beard, and stick to your commitment even if you feel like giving up.

2. Eat a healthy diet of protein, fruits and vegetables to ensure your hair grows in nice and thick. Take 2.5 mg of biotin each day. This is a dietary supplement known to help with hair growth.

3. Observe one or two days' worth of stubble. You can check for bare patches and the direction of hair growth to determine if you can grow the type of beard you want. As long as you are satisfied with the amount of cover, you will have more confidence in growing your beard.

4. Stop shaving completely for at least four weeks. Resist the urge to believe that shaving will help your beard grow thicker. "It is not true that shaving makes whiskers darker or coarser or grow faster," according to an April 1972 Science Digest article quoting Herbert Mescon, who was chairman of the Boston University department of dermatology at the time.

5. Use a gentle shampoo to cleanse your face if itching becomes a problem. You can also try a dandruff shampoo, a conditioner, baby oil or facial moisturizer. The itching is temporary, so do not let it deter you from growing your beard.

6. Purchase a beard trimmer after you have let your beard grow for at least four weeks. Familiarize yourself with the trimmer before you use it.

7. Define a neck line along the bottom of your beard. Trim the edges of your beard for a clean, precise look. Always use clean, sharp razors or trimmer blades to avoid pulling hairs or causing infection that can lead to hair loss.

8. Wash your thick beard with the same shampoo you use for your head. Pat it dry gently.