Thursday, July 25, 2013

Get Tickets For The Oprah Show In Chicago

Get Tickets for the Oprah Show in Chicago

Since the debut of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" in 1986, the show has progressed into a pop culture phenomenon. This has sparked a high demand for tickets that far exceeds the supply. Although it only takes minutes to apply for free tickets to be in the Chicago studio audience, it could take multiple attempts to land the coveted tickets. However, being persistent could truly pay off in the form of seeing Oprah Winfrey live from your audience view.


1. Register to become a member of the website. Membership is free and can be canceled at any time.

2. Check the "Current Reservation Availability" area of the website for information on when the next reservation window will open.

3. Submit a request for tickets using the online form at any time before the reservation window closes.

4. Check your email within 24 hours after the window has closed. Seats are filled by a random selection process, and you will be notified if you have been selected or not. If your request has been selected, you will have 48 hours to confirm the reservation.